There has to be SOME way to get to the Jack and Thane romances right? Maybe it's tied to saying NO to the conflict resolutions, or staying true to your friends, leaving through the relay immediately, or not having an ME1 romance in the first place during that choice? Did Shepard choose to spare or destroy the Collector Base?.

Did Shepard immediately go through the Omega 4 Relay to rescue the crew, or improve the Normandy SR-2's weapons and armor first?.Did Shepard stay true to friends from Mass Effect, or move on?.Did Shepard resolve or ignore the conflicts between some squadmates?.How many squadmates did Shepard recruit, all of them or only some?.Who does Shepard endorse to represent humanity on the Council, David Anderson or Donnel Udina?.What happens to the Citadel Council during the Battle of the Citadel?.Who is sacrificed on Virmire, Ashley Williams or Kaidan Alenko?.