The armor and weapon textures/meshes are not included, they will use the vanilla ones or the ones you have installed as a replacer. Natural eyes (make the eyes prettier), Beards, and Brows (but again, you can just leave the vanilla texture, won’t change that much). If you want them look exactly like my pictures, here’s a few other cosmetic mods you might want to try: Requirements: NONE – but I highly recommend at least Tempered skin for males or other similar skin textures. You can download directly from here or from NexusMods. I kept the original NPCs weight so they will use your default body type and they should work with any body type of your choice (and even SOS). But you can use it with other skins, for example, Vitruvia will work just fine.

I personally used Tempered skin for males young smooth version, so I highly recommend that. So they will use any skin texture you have installed in your game (or even the vanilla one, but that’s ugly so what’s the point). The main mod contains only the head morph and the hair ( KS hairdos). And if you want something more, I’m adding two totally new characters that will act as followers, so you can take them with you whenever you like (see below). Long story short, what I did was just tweak a bit the face (using the great Expressive facegen morphs) and hair of the main men of the Companions (Dark Elf and the old Vignar excluded), trying to stay close to the originals but make them look a bit less ugly. And, as I said, the Companions are not covered, and so other male characters that I plan on doing soon, starting with the warriors and going down to some common citizens. I personally don’t use the high poly mod, and my replacers of choice are those made by Pandorable. I felt the need to fill a gap in the beauty… I mean, modding community, since there are not many male replacers for Skyrim SE, and especially not many that do the Companions (I still want to mention the excellent job done with the Pride of Skyrim series for high poly head). ApCompanions Reimagined for Skyrim Special Edition